Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Emission Trading Scheme

The Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) is where Europe is charging other airlines for the CO2 emissions they pollute into the air for the for length of the flight to Europe. On 25 October 2011 the US House of Representative passed a bill restricting the US from participating in the Europe's ETS. With the US restricting air carriers to participate in this, will likely give other countries a view on weather they should follow the US stand on the matter. China also is taking on a similar action compared to what the US has done preventing them to take place in the ETS.

China has said that they will not put up the ETS and is in the process of filling a lawsuit. Despite the United States efforts to change Europe's minds, China plans to take a route in persuading them from not doing this. China has said that if Europe does not back down from this, they will increase airfares and penalties for European carries to combat the ETS. Chai Haibo, the president of China Air Transport Association has confirmed is planes to do this in order to combat ETS.

ICAO has finally spoken up and have given some guidance with the situation. ICAO is stating that Europe should exempt non-European carries from the rules. French new sources state that ICAO seems to be backing the US, China, Japan, and Russia on this one. Europe's ETS guidance for countries who feel indifferent about this is that if countries do what they can to reduce their CO2 emission to meet EU's standards, then they will not have to pay a tax. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

James McNerney

James McNerney has influenced today's aviation in a number of ways. McNerney works for Boeing as Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. McNerney is a member of the Northwestern University Board of Trustees and also a Chairman of the President’s Export Council by Barack Obama. McNerney served with the Boeing board since 2001, and was elected in 2005 to be the head chairman of Boeing. As Chairman of Boeing, McNerney oversees the strategic decisions and directions the company makes as a whole.
McNerney is a very influential person in aviation because he made sure Boeing was a continuing success to this nation. McNerney lead Boeing to be the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners, and military aircraft’s. While doing that McNerney also has an employee staff of over 160,500 employees. McNerney had contributed to the American economy by create one of the most popular airliners used today in the commercial world of aviation. McNerney also contributed to the world’s greatest military by create a number of things for the national defense of America.  
McNerney background to how he got to such a position is followed by an outstanding resume. Spend time being a manager from 1975-1988, soon after that he became president for General Electric (GE) Information Services. He spent time in GE as president under many different departments, but in 1997-2000 he became President and CEO of GE Aircraft Engines. From 2000-2005 he spent his time being President and CEO for 3M. After that McNerney was elected to be the President and CEO of Boeing from 2005 to present. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

China's Airline Industry

China's Corporate aviation is lacking a few things in its industry. China as very few private jets in its country because of a low altitude law in affect. This law prevents aircraft's from flying at such low altitude, which keeps out a lot of private jets from being able to fly. China is in the process of dropping that law and allowing private aircraft's to fly in China. China is planning on short term to achieve 150 jets short term and long term to obtain about 700 jets.  

Current status of China's aviation industry is that their is a law where aircraft's can not fly below a certain altitude, which is currently killing private aviation and general aviation. The future outlook on China's aviation industry is that they are about to open a law which allows low altitude airspace in 2015.This will create a lot more job opportunities for those people in china in many different areas. Jobs will open all the way from manufacturing to pilots slots. The biggest area that will  open the most jobs will be corporate business to take off in china. There will be a big need for pilots, as well as managers in this area because of businesses wanting to enter into corporate aviation which posses more business opportunities.

The impact on the US industry from China's new low altitude airspace coming into affect is that China will have more of a demand for new aircraft's. That being said, Boeing is being looked to by China to manufacture potential aircraft's for those corporation that are going to engage in the new low altitude airspace. Money will be put into Americas economy from other countries, improving our state. Also this will help bring more work and jobs for Boeing, create an even better opportunity for Americans to receive more job opportunities.