Sunday, October 23, 2011

Space Travel

The new space economy is getting real, and this follows a lot of speculation to what this really means. Over the years, NASA went from being the government and the nations biggest organization for space exploration. In recent years, NASA was able to cooperate with no governmental organizations, and now they allot money out to certain private organizations for exploration, and even commercial reasons. This allows the private organizations to be able to come away from some government heavily regulated areas and work around them when trying to create a space vessel. Space programs are becoming a current issue in today's world, and people are trying to break into as a transportation method to tour space.

In the next 25 years NASA will be looking to focus mainly on space exploration, and not so much to things dealing with space directly around earth. NASA if going to expend the bulk of their cash on mainly space exploration, things we have not done yet, a current national goal is to go to mars by 2040. Private companies are receiving funds by NASA to continue on earth based space operations, such as the international space station. Doing this allows NASA to focus on the big picture, space exploration, while stuff directly around earth isn't ignored. The main focus for NASA is space exploration, looking for new resources all the way to inhabitable planets, before in the past NASA was in a space race to achieve an over hand on the Russia's to being the first country to get to the moon. 

 I believe the exploration of space is beneficial as a quote from this article said, "Space holds the future for humanity. The frontier is out there; it's waiting for us." There is a lot for us to discover and explore behind or direct reach from earth, being able to extend the reach will allow us to see things from a different perspective. In the direction space exploration, and commercial space flights are heading, their are a few jobs that may need to become into effect. Spaceport traffic control, this job would be big for coordinating with space crafts like our current air traffic control does at a regular airport. Human-rated spacecraft maintenance, just like current aviation mechanics, special licensed mechanics would have to work on your space vessel.  In the future space travel is headed towards a more accessible career field than it used to be.


  1. I read the article and I saw how the writer was optimistic. Yes I do support you in saying that the space exploration is beneficial because simply it will open our eyes to new things that may really affect the way we operate and analyze.

  2. I think space exploration does hold the future for humanity and that's where we should focus our attention and resources. I am quite pleased with NASA's decision to focus mainly on space exploration in the next 25 years, in a quest to search for life outside of Earth by extending human presence in exploring a variety of destinations beyond low-Earth orbit as well as engaging in scientific investigations of, and from the solar system. I truly believe that the future of space travel and exploration is promising for mankind.

  3. Well-written, concise. Nice article link.
