Sunday, September 25, 2011

Next Gen

There is a way to make today's ATC to more precises and make productivity of airlines go up. This system is called Next Gen ATC, and there our a number of reasons why this is can improve today's aviation world. One of the biggest things is that will increase the space we have in the airports airspace by being able to make aircraft's take more direct routes. This will also give pilots the ability to see were aircraft's our in relation to them and to the ground. This will allow more air traffic to become easily controlled, and increase the amount of traffic they can take in.

ATC will take on less errors with this new system, increasing the productivity of ATC, by use of computers. This will also allow aircraft's to take more direct flight paths to their destination and safer. This is safer because the system can track weather issues and use more efficient and safer paths through airways. This allows air airspace to be more readily and easily traceable by the FAA. With this improved system, this means flights take less time to travel, and take the safest way possible, increasing the productivity of the airport, and keeping costumers happy.

AOPA is looking forward to having the Next Gen system put into aviation in this reading. The cost of the NextGen is estimated to come out to around $15 to $22 billion. This is the kind of money that the airlines and GA will have to come up with in order to implement these systems. In the mean while, the price of flights will have to go up for companies to be able to compensate for the money they spent. This will set there spending founds back for some time, but in the long run it will increase safety and revenue brought in. NextGen will probably not be fully implemented and used by almost every airport till 2025. 


  1. You bring up the fact that customers are going to be happier with NextGen. The faster flight times and fewer taxi times will make everyone happier. But I wonder how happy customers will be if/when they have to pay more for a ticket to help pay for NextGen.

  2. Like the above comment, it will make people happier because of reduced travel costs. However, the consumer should have to pay something to help in the long run. A small fee per customer, setup to about $10/person, is not that much to ask for. If properly setup with smart government intuition, the price point for the Airlines can be matched. In the end, everyone wins with the implementation of NextGen, even GA. Now, just to figure out how to help subsidize GA without breaking the bank, and GA user fees are not the answer.
